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Contact us:
1135 6th Street
Daytona Beach, FL 32117
Phone: (386) 255-0561

Email:  daytonachristianchurch@gmail.com

Prayer requests can be sent to our email.  We pray for those on our prayer list every 
Wednesday night and on Sunday morning.


    From LPGA Blvd. Eastbound--Turn right onto Derbyshire Rd.  Go to second light     (Sixth St.) and turn left onto Sixth St.  Church is on the right.  

    From LPGA Blvd. Westbound--Turn left onto Derbyshire Rd.  Go to second light     (Sixth St.) and turn left onto Sixth St.  Church is on the right.  

    From Nova Rd.  Northbound--Turn left onto Sixth St.  Church is on the left.  

    Fr​om  Nova Rd. Southbound--Turn right onto Sixth St.  Church is on the left. 

    From Mason Ave.  Eastbound--Turn left onto Derbyshire Rd.  Go to second light (Sixth St.) and turn right onto Sixth St.  Church is on the right.  

    From Mason Ave.  Westbound--Turn right onto Derbyshire Rd.  Go to second light (Sixth St.) and turn right onto Sixth St.  Church is on the right.  

Office Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9-12 a.m.